Silently Smiling Sunshine complete 5-12-14

Silently Smiling Sunshine completed… Glibby Glop Gloopy Nibby Nobby Nooby La La La Lo Lo. He was created on 11X14 Paris Paper using Faber Castell Pitt & Pigma Micron pens. He will remain black and white…if I ever get a whim for color I will more than likely be doing that with Gimp 2 so the original will remain fabulously black and white…moving onto the sun’s close personal friend the moon! May 12th 2014

parking garage stairs 5-11-14

stairway in the parking garage of the Walker Art Center…unfortunately on of the very things I found interesting here…Went to the Walker Art center with Tabbi Cat. Interesting ride via St. Paul, no one injured…but I think I’m just not hip enough for modern art…perhaps if I could look past the what was used and quit trying to figure out the why I would see the grand adventure of the creativity…2 words…broken glass…LOTS of it…still rather confused although the wall of assorted scarves and the multitude of artificial flowers torn apart and sewn together still makes me think maybe I’m trying too hard…since when is Escher and Dhali too old to be modern?


WoooooOOOOOooooo new markers & a WTF eraser…Thanks Tab! Time to make something almost recognizable…totally not museum worthy..


WoooOOOooo found a photo box just right for all my pens & markers…weeeee almost as fun as back to school shopping hold the bullies and algebra…

lets just say I am easily entertained…