Super green

Ragna the regalia is on the same level I live on so I can quilt every weekend! This weekend I finished the super green reptile, amphibian and wee arachnid baby/ toddler quilt I started in 2018.

Fresh from the quilter
Edged with rainbow 🌈 ready for the next lizard lover baby/ toddler… this would be a great lap quilt for a grown up too 🤪

Cherish’s sock monkey quilt almost done!

Cherish Sock Monkey Quilt…

Quilted blocks…this will in fact be completed by the time of the baby shower for wee little Cherish! Fabric

from: Amazon, Heavenly Patchwork in Waconia, Etsy, and a bit of X-mas 2010 from Kris to the K.

each block is 17 inches square including the log cabin strips…bits of each block was hand quilted as I can’t

quite drive my sewing machine with that much accuracy… added ties of almost the background color to

further restrain the batting… April 29th 2012