Super green

Ragna the regalia is on the same level I live on so I can quilt every weekend! This weekend I finished the super green reptile, amphibian and wee arachnid baby/ toddler quilt I started in 2018.

Fresh from the quilter
Edged with rainbow 🌈 ready for the next lizard lover baby/ toddler… this would be a great lap quilt for a grown up too 🤪

wooo 4-5-14 zentangle

Wooed Zentangle for T & E in celebration of Tabitha accepting the marriage proposal from Eric…WOOOoooOOOO!
April 5th 2014


fibro butterfly tangle 4-7-14_0001

Zentangled Fibromyalgia awareness butterfly…
pen and ink uploaded to a photo editor and colored purple ( my ink is basic black)
way back when I was wee I discovered how fun pen and ink was…then a few years back discovered Zentangle, meditative art…woo…have loved it ever since. Like doodling on caffeine…hence some of the wiggly lines. Hoping to one day combine the pen and ink with quilting…both my passions at once! Although at the moment I’m saving up for a guitar body to get Zen all over! April 7th 2014